“To know something about everything, and to know everything about something” is the policy that we have taken in managing our business, and based on this culture, we have chosen our very precise specialization in the world of industry and industrial projects. the top.
We have the experience and the network of relationships necessary to obtain industrial financing for your industrial idea, whether by supporting the Industrial Development Fund or loans from commercial banks, or investors who have the financial solvency and passion necessary to finance your industrial project.
We have sufficient experience in preparing feasibility studies in line with the requirements of the party providing it. Our team members will collect and analyze the required marketing information, and write the technical part with all our industrial experience.
Able to transform your industrial idea from paper to reality, our team will study the latest industrial technologies suitable for your idea, visit similar factories, draw engineering maps for the production line, and calculate and plan the feasible production capacity.
We will provide you with all the necessary channels to connect your idea to safety, manage the relationship with engineering offices, study and evaluate contractor offers, supervise the process of building the factory, build the marketing identity, information technology services, manage the negotiation process with manufacturers of production lines and test machines during the manufacturing process And installation and shipment of machines and customs clearance.
Jana's team has a lot of passion to find integrated industrial and technical solutions to all the difficulties that our partners may face. We are working on developing industrial products and inventing advanced models for them. The team also has many industrial ideas that it can present to our partners who wish to enter the field of industrial investment.
Our experience is extensive in drawing strategic plans, setting the necessary policies and procedures for managing the factory, selecting the appropriate human competencies for operating and managing the factory, supervising the implementation of the long and short-term plans that have been drawn up, managing the relationship with suppliers and customers, and ensuring that the factory achieves financial profits. Planned. We also have the ability to assist clients in rehabilitating facilities.
We are proud in Jana Solutions that we do not believe in the term “customers”, everyone we work alongside are partners with us, partners in passion and ambition, and therefore we always work to build long-term partnership relationships, our goal is not to be the largest or most profitable, but to be the most trustworthy .
• Electronic Devices Manufacturing
• Provide recommendations and consultations related to long-term strategy based on governmental programs and directions.
• Offer recommendations and consultations regarding selecting the appropriate location for establishing the factory.
•working directly with Local Content Authority to Applying for Localization of Industry and Knowledge Transfer.
• Add products to the mandatory list of national products (Local Content Authority).
• Manage and supervise the negotiation process with the strategic partner to sign the partnership contract.
• Monitor and oversee the process of obtaining the industrial land and necessary building permits.
• Nominate, monitor, and supervise the contract with the engineering office to prepare suitable engineering plans for the project.
• Prepare the financing file and feasibility study for submission according to the requirements of the Saudi Industrial Development Fund.
•Manufacturing Manhole Covers, and Steel Iron Products
•Preparing the financing file and conducting a feasibility study for its submission according to the requirements of the Saudi Industrial Development Fund.
• Preparing the economic and technical feasibility study.
• Representing the owner to apply for and obtain a loan from the Saudi Industrial Development Fund
• Designing an electromagnetic system.
• Designing a software system.
• Supervise the manufacture of the system.
• Supervising system installation and testing.
• Evaluate the operational processes in the factory.
• Administrative, financial and operational restructuring.
• Contract management and operation of the factory.
•Preparing the feasibility study for the establishment of the Zamil water tanks factory in the third industrial area in Jeddah,
• Representing the owner to apply for and obtain a loan from the Saudi Industrial Development Fund.
• Providing industrial consultations on the status of the project and developing solutions.
• Representing the owner in the Industrial Cities Authority to change the approved scheme.
• Economic feasibility study.
• Representing the project in the Industrial Development Fund.
• Follow up on obtaining a loan from the Industrial Development Fund.
• Cooperating with the engineering office to develop the appropriate master plans for the project.
• Supervising the purchase of machinery and support equipment from China.
• Representing the owner to finalize the procedures of the electricity company.
• Cooperating with the consulting engineering consultant to supervise the construction contractor during the implementation of the project.
• Project Idea.
• Economic feasibility study.
• Representing the project in the Industrial Development Fund.
• Follow up on obtaining a loan from the Industrial Development Fund.
• Cooperating with the engineering office to develop the appropriate master plans for the project.
• Supervising the purchase of production lines and supporting equipment from China.
• Representing the owner to finalize the procedures of the electricity company.
• Cooperating with the engineering consultant to supervise the construction contractor during the implementation of the project.
• Testing production line machines in China.
• Economic feasibility study.
• Coordination with the Industrial Cities Authority to allocate industrial land in Sudair Industrial City.
• Follow-up and obtain a loan from Bank Al-Jazira.
• Follow up on obtaining a loan from the Industrial Development Fund.
• Cooperating with the engineering office to develop the appropriate master plans for the project and to obtain the building permit.
• Cooperating with the consulting engineering consultant to supervise the construction contractor during the implementation of the project.
• Representing the owner to finalize the procedures of the electricity company.
• Supervising the purchase of machinery and support equipment from China.
• Testing production line machines in China.
• Economic feasibility study.
• Follow up on obtaining a loan from the Saudi Credit and Savings Bank.
• Machines and supporting equipment from China.
• Testing production lines before shipping them from China.
• Supervising the site rental, determining the required spaces and planning production lines.
• Planning all logistics operations.
• Direct supervision and management of all operational processes.
• Market study and technical and logistical support for sales for a year.
• The idea of establishing the factory.
• Feasibility study.
• Purchase of machinery and raw materials from China.
• Renting the site, determining the required spaces, and planning production lines.
• Planning all logistics operations.
• Direct supervision and management of all operational processes.
• Market study and technical and logistical support for sales.
• Management, operation and marketing of products
•Mapping the engineering layout of the production line and supervising the engineering office for building design.
• Supervising the contractor during the construction phase.
• Supervising the installation of production lines and conducting trial operations.
• Providing technical and industrial consultations to support the project.
Whether you are looking for an industrial idea, or you have an idea, or there is an inquiry that crosses your mind, do not hesitate to write to us.........